Alina Homecare Hitchin & Letchworth has achieved a GOOD rating from the Care Quality Commission (CQC). The CQC carries out comprehensive inspections using five major evaluation categories to ensure the services being provided are Safe, Caring, Effective, Responsive to people’s needs and Well-led. Alina Homecare Hitchin & Letchworth achieved GOOD in all five categories.
CQC inspectors independently inspect staff, clients and their relatives to interview and hear firsthand feedback about the service.
Interviews with local clients presented fantastic feedback: “Yes, they are really good. My carers are very trained in my opinion,” “All my carers are very friendly, and we have a bit of a laugh. Very caring and compassionate I find them to be,” & “I am very happy with all of them. Very caring, they make me feel good and not nervous when they’re here, they have my trust. I would not want to be without them.”
Hitchin & Letchworth Registered Manager and local resident, Katie Simmonds said, “I couldn’t be prouder of my amazing Team. They work so hard every day to deliver our reputable great quality care. A huge well done to my Team!”
Alina Homecare is a rapidly expanding care at home and support service, with branches spanning the Midlands and south of England. Their care services include: Personal and Domestic, Companionship, Respite & Emergency, Live-in, Stroke, Palliative and much more. The care provided by Alina Homecare heavily emphasises the values of Quality, Integrity and Respect, whilst promoting client independence.
To read the report in full, click here.